Obtain the copyright clearance your organization needs to share content.
Technology continues to simplify the way your business uses and exchanges content. Trusted licensing solutions from Access Copyright provide an efficient, simple way for your employees and colleagues to use published content while being compliant with copyright law.
We offer two distinct copyright clearance options: annual licensing and transactional, pay-per-use licensing. Our annual licence provides broad, pre-approved copyright clearance for your entire organization, while our transactional licence provides copyright clearance for one-time use. Either solution increases efficiency by reducing how much time you spend obtaining individual permissions and verifying rights with individual copyright holders while minimizing infringement risk. An annual licence is the most cost-efficient solution for those who use content on a regular, ongoing basis. Our licences also support content use compliant with copyright law, complement any existing publisher agreements you maintain, and make it simple to verify reuse authorizations.
Subject to the terms of the licence, you can perform everyday activities like these with peace of mind:
- Email a PDF of an article to a colleague when you collaborate on a project together.
- Embed a PDF of an industry-related newsletter article into an email blast going out to every department within your organization.
- Store a copy of an article on your company’s intranet for your team to reference in the future.
- Share an article upon request from a client who desires more information about a product or service.
Access Copyright makes accessing, using, and sharing content streamlined and efficient. Contact us today to learn more about how our copyright clearance solutions can support your organization.