Quiz: Is Licensing Right for You?

HomeBlogs & Case StudiesQuiz: Is Licensing Right for You?

Want to understand where your organization may need copyright clearance? Take our quick quiz to see where permissions may be required in your work processes.

  • Does your organization have an active intranet or other central electronic resource where material may be posted and accessed by employees?
  • Are press clippings, articles, or content from a media monitoring agency or any other source, shared among individual colleagues, departments, or your entire organization at any time?
  • Does your organization maintain a library of publications for reference or information?
  • Does your organization have sales and marketing processes that involve sharing published works (such as journal articles, efficacy studies, or different publications) with existing or prospective customers?
  • Does your communications team keep employees, members, your board, and/or other stakeholders informed on industry developments via electronic newsletters?
  • Are employees receiving relevant industry news through email, print handouts, company intranet, or other means to ensure they are kept informed?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we can help. Contact us to discover how.