Recently, we had the pleasure of presenting at Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress Canada on the strategic value of copyright licensing. Our President & CEO, Roanie Levy, spoke about copyright and its challenges, managing copyright risks, and the strategic value of copyright licensing for organizations driven by research and innovation.
Roanie provided a brief overview of copyright and debunked the common myth that simply because you have a subscription to content, it doesn’t mean you can copy it to share it with a colleague, send it to a prospective client, or hand it out at a conference. It’s always essential to clear copyright with the appropriate source when scanning and sharing a document, distributing material, uploading articles to a company intranet, or distributing articles internally.
Even the most well-intended organizations can find the essential process of obtaining copyright permissions time-consuming and complex. Instead of spending precious time tracking down the copyright owner(s) of a piece of published content every time you want to share or distribute content, a simpler and more cost-effective resource is to obtain a copyright licence that includes reuse rights, such as what Access Copyright offers.
Another point Roanie also touched on is how digital innovations are impacting copyright, specifically generative AI. These new technologies have presented a multitude of copyright issues and created a lot of unknowns. At this point, the way copyright is approached and managed could change drastically over the next few years as generative technologies become more mainstream.
As a collective copyright organization, we help other organizations ensure legal compliance, reduce costs and administration fees, and extend their rights to reuse content. We are a Canadian national, not-for-profit organization that is proud to serve as the collective voice of creators and publishers in Canada.
The presentation wrapped up with a Q&A session, where Roanie answered pertinent questions about copyright and copyright compliance today. We are very happy to share a link so you can watch this webinar in its entirely to learn more about copyright and the importance of copyright licensing for your organization.