Central to any non-profit organization is doing everything you can to achieve your mission and strategic goals. Access Copyright can support your efforts by helping you share content responsibly, ensuring creators and publishers are paid for their work.
In the course of activities like fundraising, research, infrastructure projects, etc., your organization likely uses research studies, programs, logos, marketing literature, and advertising materials from outside sources. If you use this material without first acquiring the right permissions, your non-profit organization could be at risk of infringing copyright. At the same time, obtaining permissions from individual copyright owners can be a time-consuming, expensive process, which can put your goals and projects behind schedule.
Easily share copyright-protected material within your non-profit by acquiring a licence. At Access Copyright, we provide pay-per-use and annual licences, so you can select the best solution for your unique organization and its goals.
Our licences give your organization the lawful ability to reuse print and digital content in a number of ways. For example, you can email a journal article directly to a colleague while working collaboratively on a project. You can also store the full text of an article internally, submit articles to government organizations to acquire more funding, and share articles directly with clients who request them, subject to the terms of the licence.
Increase efficiency within your organization while minimizing infringement risk. To learn more about how our licences work and how they can support your non-profit, download our free brochure now.
Interested in Our Services?
Download our free brochure to learn more about how we can help your organization comply with copyright law.
Why Choose Us?
Ease of use
One annual licence covers copyright-protected material from millions of works from Canada and around the world.
Peace of mind
We offer a worry-free solution that allows employees to legally share content and remain in compliance with Canada’s Copyright Act.
Speed and efficiency
Reduce your administrative need to request, track and purchase permissions for each use of copyright-protected material.